Step#1 Check for Enable Wireless Android Auto Function - Search for “Android Auto.” in settings menu - Tap Version 10 times. - Tap the three-dot button - Go to the Developer settings. - Enable Wireless Android Auto Step#2 Connect Bluetooth for Wireless Android Auto Connect Bluetooth Bluetooth Name is "CPhoneXXX" Please check this icon When it carplay is activation The icon is enable Step#3 Enter the Original Cars Bluetooth Settings Connect Bluetooth Bluetooth Name is "Aicar - xxxx" Step#4 Connect "WIFI" WIFI Name : "Aicar-XXX" WIFI Password : 68686688 Check the box to "Keep Connected While Driving" Step#5 Open Internet Brower Enter the URL aicarpush.com Press the change button The function will be change from Carplay to Android Auto Step#6 Change Network Name "CPhoneHot" ※Important Note the letter case. Hotspot password "68686688" If the Tesla Carplay box is not connected hotspot network, the original browser can not access (Can not use internet data) This is a guide for connecting for the first time. After. It will be automatically connected all